Thursday, February 19, 2009

Trying to be a "Ray of Sunshine"...

Jimmy always tells me that I'm a pessimist. I think I'm a realist. But that's neither here nor there. He constantly tells me to find the positive. To look for the bright side. So I'm attempting to do this through this TTC process. I have put it in God's hands. It will happen in his time. Just like finding Jimmy. When it's right. So...I made it to 10 dpo...that is tied for the lead at the moment for longest luteal phase. So that in itself is a success. Last month was 6 dpo. I know that 10 or less consistantly is not a good thing. I'm aware of what I need to try to see if I can extend that life. I am crossing my fingers that tomorrow's temps is high for just the simple reason that 11 dpo would be a good sign for my body. It would mean that the short luteal phases could simply be my body continuing to balance itself and bounce back from 18 years of BCP. I can be excited about that. And at the same time, it might open the door to me actually attempting to POAS. My LP was always so short, that I never had the opportunity to think, even for a day, that I might be KU. AF would rear her ugly head way before testing was even a thought...let alone a BFP possibility. So for this moment, right now, I am only crossing my fingers for a longer LP...then I'll work on wrapping my mind around the possibility of actually getting a BFP and being KFU. But I'm not getting ahead of myself...oh...who am I kidding!? The only reason I give a crap about my lp length is in how it affects me getting pregnant. That's what it's all about!

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