Wednesday, January 5, 2011

IVF Seminar

We are supposed to go to our IVF Seminar next Wednesday, the 12th. However we realized that every single family member of our's is going to be out of town. Hence, no babysitter for James. I have to call my RE and see if he can come with us. Not sure how that will work out and if they say no, does that mean another month? ::sigh::


  1. I hope he can come along. I have seen kids in both of my RE offices waiting rooms.
    If I lived closer I would babysit for you.

  2. Appreciate it Amber :) And they said he is old enough to come with us...thank God.

  3. That is good that you will be able to take him with you :)

  4. YAY! so glad he's able to go with you guys :)
