Friday, March 25, 2011

Transfer and Introduction

So...the transfer went really well, sans my bladder. I was in the shower so Jimmy got the all a go call. We head out for out 1.5 hour journey with me slamming water the whole time for my full bladder. I had been told that we had to be there at 11 for an 11:15 transfer. So when we arrive at 10:50 I am full up. We sit in the reception area for a few minutes and then they call us back. Put me in my gown and head and foot wear. And then sit us in the office to wait to talk to the doctor. And we wait and we wait. At 11:30 I start to get antsy as I am in alot of pain now. Jimmy informs me that they told him we were to be there at 11 for an 11:30 transfer. Lovely. At 11:45 tears come into my eyes I am in so much pain. So Jimmy asks the nurse how much longer? She informs us that the doctor has been called and we are just waiting on her. But that I can semi-drain my bladder while we are waiting. The doctor shows up a few minutes later. She informs us that they are transferring one perfect, text book zygote. She presents us with a picture and I tell you, I was instantly in love. I ask her if I can continue with the PIO shots rather than changing over to the suppositories. She tells us that I am the first person to ever make that request of her. But it's good.

They bring me back and put my leggings on and throw my legs up in the air so my crotch is hanging out for the world to see and they start moving the u/s wand over my over full belly. And they keep commenting on how full my bladder is. But they keep pushing on it regardless. Thanks Ladies. The doctor finally returns and comments that my bladder (which remember has already been partially drained :) is full enough for several patients and it's good to see someone who follows instructions. Yup that's me, the good girl. They finally put the zygote in and they move me over to a recovery bed and wheel me into a room. I have to wait another 15 minutes before I can pee. Jimmy comes in and tells me how they let him watch the whole thing but he had no idea what he was seeing till one of the sweet nurses explained it all to him. He is practically glowing. Jimmy kept referring to his sperm as olympians. And since our zygote was classified as perfect by the doctor...we decided that it was only fitting...

Isn't he/she gorgeous? I think so...


  1. Hercules is beautiful! Fingers crossed for you!!!!

  2. Gorgous indeed! I am praying and keeping everything crossed this is it for you love!

  3. I love Hercules!! I have everything possible crossed for you. Sending so many good thoughts to you and little Herc. :)

  4. I've been stalking for an update and I was sending you many positive thoughts, prayers and vibes yesterday and will continue to do so. What a beautiful babe!!!!

  5. Oh love I have everything crossed for you! I love your embie!!
